Postcard to the Leopards class
The Leopards have already been so very busy since September.
We've loved using our new Rekenreks to subitise (know a quantity of objects without having to count one by one) within 10. The Leopards have really blown me away with how quickly they have taken to the new maths resources.
We have also been enjoying our class reading for pleasure book 'James and the Giant Peach'. New reading for pleasure books have been added to the bookshelves in our classroom for the children to borrow, and we have already had a lot of interest in our new chapter books. I hope to hear about how much they are being enjoyed at home as well as at school.
Mrs Gallagher
Our Class
The Leopards is a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 class. Leopards continue to build on the strong foundation they have acquired in Reception and begin to hone their knowledge and skills as they become increasingly independent learners. Leopards begin to explore the skills and knowledge that our discrete subject curriculum offers and well as become increasingly proficient in reading, writing, maths and phonics.
Top five things to do in Leopards class:
- Learn how to use the laptops
- Chance to learn a musical instrument
- Dance parties at the end of term
- Opportunity to join the school choir
- Having your own tray
Our Learning
We love learning and will be excited to share more information with you about our new learning and wider curriculum homework after the holiday.
Things to do each week to support your child's learning at home:
- Spelling: practising spelling tricky words (found in the front of each reading diary).
- Reading: Children should read to someone at home at least 3 times a week.
- Practising number bonds
Talking with children about their learning is an important part of creating a love of learning at home. Here are five great questions to start a conversation with a Leopard this term:
How do we keep our bodies healthy?
What do we know about our own history?
What happens in the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'?
Are there seasons when it is more windy?
What is the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees?
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