White Tigers
Postcard to White Tigers
Dear White Tigers,
We had a super first term and it has been lovely to see you all settle well into our new routines. I hope you had a lovely half term - you certainly had lots of things to share with me on your return.
It is getting ever closer to finding out whether Elva is going to visit us! I wonder if she will get up to mischief this time...
Even though we have now settled into a new term, there may still be changes ahead. But remember, we will always talk through any changes with you if and when they arise.
You have learnt so much already and achieved lots of new things. I am so looking forward to exploring our new units of learning for this term and seeing what amazing things we can find out.
Miss Maclachlan
Teaching Assistant
Our Class
The White Tigers class is a mixed Year 3 and Year 4 class. White Tigers consolidate and deepen their knowledge as they begin to draw on prior learning and handle concepts with increasing complexity. Through our curriculum, White Tigers build stronger understanding of the content domains within maths, and genres in English. The White Tigers make increasingly strong connections between the different areas of learning.
- Top 5 things to do in the White Tigers Class:
- Go swimming
- Get quizzing! Use laptops to take the quizzes on your reading books
- Start learning French
- Show your card collections to your friends
- Use the outdoor gym at playtimes
Our Learning
We love learning and will be excited to share more information with you about our new learning and wider curriculum homework after the holiday.
Things to do each week to support your child's learning at home:
Spellings (Year 2 Common Exception Words, Year 3 and 4 word list - link on homework sheet)
Reading: Children are expected to read at least three times a week at home and then quiz in school
Practice times tables
Talking with children about their learning is an important part of creating a love of learning at home. Here are five great questions to start a conversation with a White Tiger this term:
- What are my personal strengths and what are some of my goals in life?
- What are the five pillars of Islam and how to Muslims live these out in their daily lives?
- What does it mean to create tone in drawings and how can we do this?
- Would you have preferred to live in the Stone, Bronze or Iron Age?
- What are some of the key functions of the skeleton?