Welcome to Brant Broughton Church of England and Methodist Primary School

We are a small, caring Church school with a big heart and a welcoming atmosphere. We are committed to ensuring that all pupils at our inclusive school have the best opportunity to flourish as individuals as we prepare them for their next steps.

The school prides itself on its exciting project-based curriculum. Projects are all bespoke and centre around the United Nations Global Development Goals. Our School Vision has clear links to our learning: ‘All Believe, All Achieve, All Create, All a Family’ linking to our Methodist and Christian roots. The children talk about ‘all believing we can achieve’ and ‘all believing in each other’. They talk about ‘achieving our best’. They openly discuss ‘creating friendships’ and ‘creating a happy school’. Every opportunity is taken to engage and interest children in the world around them.

Brant-Broughton Primary School is a very special place. I am proud to lead such a dedicated staff team and to be part of a school community which cherishes each individual.

Liz Moore

Head Teacher