Welcome to Brant Broughton PTA!

(PTA being “Parent Teacher Association”, rather than “people to avoid” as commonly thought!).

We are a friendly, small committee of volunteer parents, and a very enthusiastic teacher!

Joules Roach
(Arthur, White Tigers)

Ably assisted by the wonderful committee of:-

  • Mrs Curtis (leader of the Polar Bears)
  • Heidi Lewis-Warren (Isla, Summer & Skye)
  • Victoria Harth (Lachlan, Tobin & Imogen)
  • Ryan Phillips (Hadley)

We have meetings roughly once a term (usually on a Friday straight after school) and school age children are able to join in with after school club for the duration of the meeting FOC. The meetings are fun and informal. We welcome new ideas and opinions, but there is no pressure to commit – whatever you can do, whenever you can do it is very much appreciated. “Occasional helpers” are also very welcome!

Throughout the year, the PTA host various fun events to raise money for the school to help fund things like trips to the Pantomine (oh yes we do!), workshops for the children, subsidise coaches for school trips and extra resources. Past events have included discos, cake sales, school tea towel, Christmas crafts, bingo and of course the Summer Fair finale!

We also have our very own lottery – more to follow on this!

We would LOVE to see some new faces at our meetings so please do pop along to the next one on Friday 13th October, or speak to one of us at the school gate. We can also be contacted via enquiries@brant-broughton.lincs.sch.uk (FAO PTA).

Brant Broughton Primary School BBPTA


Brant Broughton Primary School